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Year/Ser/Col Num, SKUNameWheelVariationRarity
1983#0#0#3913'67 CamaroBWRed with '67 Camaro and flames in tampos, made in Malaysia
1983#0#0#3913'67 CamaroBWRed with '67 Camaro and flames in tampos, made in Hong Kong
15th Anniversary 3 Pack
1983#0#0'67 CamaroBWMetalflake Lime with black roof
California Customs
1991#0#0#2103'67 CamaroRRWVBlue with tampos
Chevrolet 5 Pack
1994#6#0#12403'67 CamaroBWRed with tampos
FAO Gold Series II
1995#0#0'67 CamaroG2P5SGold with tampos, 4000 produced
Classic American Cars
1995#0#0'67 CamaroRLBWChrome with tampos, 5000 produced
Seattle Toy Show
1995#0#0#13845'67 CamaroG2P6SBlack with White stripes on hood, 1995 Greater Seattle Toy Show on roof, 8000 produced
Limited Editions
1995#0#0#14874'67 Camaro2P5SWhite with Black roof, 7000 produced
Mail In
1995#0#0'67 CamaroRLRRBlue with white stripes on hood, white interior, 5000 produced
Treasure Hunt Series
1995#3#355#13351'67 CamaroGYRRWhite w/stripe tampo, 10000 produced10
1996 Mainline
1996#0#448#13872'67 Camaro5SYellow w/tampos, no maylasia on base5
1996#0#448#13872'67 Camaro5SYellow w/tampos, w/maylasia on base5
1996#0#448#13872'67 Camaro5HYellow w/tampos, w/maylasia on base3
1996#0#448#13872'67 Camaro3SYellow w/tampos, no maylasia on base10
'60's Muscle Cars
1996#0#0'67 CamarogyRROrange with tampos
American Victory
1996#0#0'67 CamaroG2P5SRed with USA Olympic tampos
Target Then and Now
1996#0#0#15162'67 Camaro5SWhite with tampos
1996#0#0#15929'67 CamarogyCHRRBlue with tampos on side, white roof
60's Muscle Cars 5 Pack
1996#1#448#13503'67 Camaro5SYellow with tampos
Camaro 5 Pack
1996#2#0#15071'67 Camaro5SGray with tampos, Malaysia on base and Hot Wheels on drivers side
1996#2#0#15071'67 Camaro7SGray with tampos, Malaysia on base and Hot Wheels on drivers side
1996#2#0#15071'67 Camaro3SGray with tampos, Malaysia on base and Hot Wheels on drivers side
1996#2#0#15071'67 Camaro3SGray with tampos, No Malaysia on base and Hot Wheels on drivers side
1996#2#0#15071'67 Camaro3SGray with tampos, Malaysia on base and Hot Wheels on passengers side
Mod Bod Series
1996#4#399#15242'67 Camaro5Sw/hw tampo untinted windows6
1996#4#399#15242'67 Camaro5Sw/hw tampo tinted windows10
1996#4#399#15242'67 Camaro7Sw/hw tampo untinted windows10
30th Anniversary of '67 Muscle Cars
1997#0#0'67 CamarogyRRPale green with tampos, made in China
30th Anniversary of Camaro
1997#0#0'67 CamaroRRDark blue with Sunoco tampos, made in China
General Mills 5 Pack
1997#3#0#17940'67 Camarorl7SWhite with tampos
1998#0#0'67 CamarogyRRBlack with 13 on sides, gold roof, 10000 produced
Camaro Enthusiasts Magazine
1998#0#0'67 CamaroGye5SRed with tampos, 15000 produced
Race Team Series IV
1998#1#725#18791'67 Camaro5SBlue with tampos, Malaysia on base5
1998#1#725#18791'67 Camaro5SBlue with tampos, w/o Malaysia on base7
1998#1#725#18791'67 Camaro5SZamac Painted with no tampos, yellow interior, 500 produced10
1999 Mainline
1999#0#1014#23821'67 Camaro5SGrey with stunt 99 tampos, 1967 CAMARO on base6
1999#0#1014#23821'67 Camaro5SGrey with stunt 99 tampos, 1967 Camaro on base3
Cop Rods
1999#0#0#23442'67 Camaro2P5SWhite with El Paso Police tampos, 25000 produced
Chicago Cubs
1999#0#0#23524'67 Camaro5SWhite with Cubs logo and stripes on sides and hood
Car Wash Playset
1999#0#0'67 Camaro5SBlue with Hot Wheels Race Team in tampos, made in China
X-Ray Cruisers Series
1999#3#947#21106'67 Camaro5SBlue with tampos, ''67 Camaro' on base5
1999#3#947#21106'67 Camaro3SBlue with tampos, ''67 Camaro on base'8
1999#3#947#21106'67 Camaro3SBlue with tampos, '1967 Camaro' on base3
2000 Convention
2000#0#0#29256'67 CamaroRRRed and yellow with tampos, made in Thailand, 5000 produced
2000#0#0#29251'67 CamaroPC5White with tampos, made in Thailand, 2000 produced
Otter Pops
2000#0#0'67 CamaroRdRRRed with Kookie on sides, white roof
Motorin' Music 5 Pack
2000#1#0#25372'67 CamaroTRRed with tampos, made in Thailand
2000 Editor's Choice Series
2000#4#0#28015'67 Camaro2P5SOrange with black stripes
RLC Membership Cars
2002#0#15#85524'67 CamaroRLRRChrome with red stripes, silver painted base
2002#0#15#85524'67 CamaroRLRRChrome with red stripes, unpainted base, 5000 produced
2002#0#16#85524'67 CamaroRLRRChrome with enamel blue stripes, silver painted base
2002#0#16#85524'67 CamaroRLRRChrome with blue chrome stripes, unpainted base, 10000 produced
2002#0#20#85526'67 CamaroRLRRChrome with black stripes, silver painted base
2002#0#20#85526'67 CamaroRLRRChrome with black stripes, unpainted base, 10000 produced
Motor City Classics
2002#0#0#55562'67 CamaroGYRRAqua with tampos
2002#0#139#55024'67 Camaro3SDark blue with tampos, made in China5
2002#0#139#55024'67 Camaro3SLighter blue with tampos, made in China4
2003 Hall of Fame Series
2003#0#0#B2540'67 CamaroRR5DWhite with tampos
2003#0#168#57157'67 CamaroB5SYellow with tampos, made in China*
2003#0#168#57157'67 CamaroB5SYellow with roof tampos reversed, made in China*
2003 Convention
2003#1#0#B9883'67 CamaroRR5DSpectraflame copper with tampos, 5000 produced
2004 Holiday Rods
2004#0#0#H4684'67 CamaroRR5SGreen with white stripes in tampos
2004#0#0#H4684'67 CamaroRR5SRed with white stripes in tampos
2004#0#0#H4684'67 CamaroRR5SWhite with orange stripes in tampos
2004#0#0#H4684'67 CamaroRR5SBlue with silver stripes in tampos
HWC Series 3 Neo-Classics
2004#3#0#C6035'67 CamaroRLSpectraflame Ice Blue with tampos, 10500 produced
Kmart Real Riders
2005#0#0#H9209'67 CamaroRlRR5SBlack with tampos, white interior
2005 Nationals
2005#0#0#H9265'67 CamaroRRBurgundy with tampos, made in Thailand, 4000 produced
Treasure Hunt Series
2005#2#122#G67371967 CamaroRRRed with tampos, made in Thailand*
2005#2#122#G67371967 CamaroRLRRRed with tampos, made in Thailand*
Classics Series 1
2005#14#0'67 CamaroRL7SSpectraflame Dark Brown with tampos
2006 Convention
2006#0#0#K3827'67 CamaroBFRRMetallic blue with convention logo on roof, 3000 produced
HWC Series 5 Real Riders
2006#1#0#K3376'67 CamarogyRR5Spectraflame Green with tampos, 11000 produced
RLC Rewards
2006#1#0#K4030'67 CamaroRLSpectraflame Red with tampos, 3000 produced
Motown Metal Series
2006#4#89#J3415'67 Camaro5SBlack with tampos*
2006#4#89#J3415'67 CamaroRL5SBlack with tampos*
2006#4#89#J3415'67 CamaroY5Black with tampos*
2007 Nationals
2007#0#0#L7862'67 CamarogyRR5DDark orange with tampos, 3000 produced
2007 Convention
2007#1#0#L7870'67 CamaroGYRRWhite with tampos, made in Thailand, 3000 produced
Camaro Series
2007#2#42#K7559'67 Camaro5SLight blue with tampos*
2007#2#42#K7559'67 Camaro5SDark blue with tampos*
2007#2#42#K7559'67 CamaroPR5Dark blue with tampos*
2008 Nationals
2008#1#0#L8723'67 CamarogyRRGreen with tampos, made in Thailand, 3000 produced
General Motors 5 Pack
2008#4#0#L9963'67 CamaroG5SGold and black with tampos, made in Thailand, Thailand engraved on base
2008#4#0#L9963'67 CamaroG5SGold and black with tampos, made in Thailand, Thailand printed on base
Dream Garage
2009#3#149#P2469'67 Camaro5SAntifreeze with tampos
2009#3#149#P2469'67 CamaroBPR5Blue with tampos
2009#3#149#P2469'67 CamaroRL5SBlue with tampos
2009#3#149#P2469'67 Camaro5SGrey with tampos
HWC Series 9 Neo-Classics
2010#1#0#R8391'67 CamaroRLSpectraflame Magenta with tampos, 6000 produced
2010 Nationals
2010#1#0#R8427'67 CamarogyRR5SWhite with tampos, made in Thailand, 2400 produced
Muscle Mania
2010#8#86#R7511'67 CamaroMC5Black with tampos
2010#8#86#R7511'67 CamaroMC5Orange with tampos
2011 Convention
2011#0#0#V0523'67 CamaroGyRRBlue with flames, 1500 produced
2012 Nationals
2012#3#0#X0568'67 CamaroRRMSOrange with black roof and blue flames on sides, 2000 produced
2016 Convention
2016#1#0#DMJ11'67 CamaroRRMSSpectraflame Gold with Camaro and 50 and racing decals in tampos, 2600 produced
RLC Party Car
2017#0#0#FCM55'67 CamaroRLSpectraflame Pink with white roof
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